Thursday, February 7, 2013

I changed the name of my blog

Just a quick post to say that I changed the name of my blog from the "Independent Watchdog" to the "Constitutional Watchdog." The "Independent Watchdog" was too vague. From now on, I will focus on the Constitutionality of legislation in Congress as well as news from libertarian sources and from the Ron Paul Revolution.

In the future, I will be creating some new blogs to watch out for. For example, I realized that education is key in order to wake up Americans and bring the Constitution back to relevancy so I will be starting an education blog that will focus on the basic functions of our government the way it was intended by our founding fathers in the Constitution.

Is Smart Meter coming to your city?

I just saw this video on youtube and thought I should share it quickly with whoever actually reads this blog.

If you think you are actually still free in the United States of America, think again! The Department of Energy is currently using a small town in Illinois as a case study for the Smart Meter. While it may seem convenient to be able to use the internet the raise or lower the temperature in your house, what makes you think that the government isn't doing the same thing to satisfy the green movement and force people to conserve energy. Wake up and rise up, America! because if our government is tyrannical enough to do this, who knows when they will make the bold step of outlawing protest!

Check put this video-- an interview of a woman who is actually taking matters into her own hands when her town tried to force her to get a Smart Meter installed in her home.